11 November 2010
03 October 2010
Sunday news: red edition
- In Britain, the out-of-power Labour Party has a new leader, Red Ed Miliband, aka Miliband the Not-As-Cute. He says that if in government, his party wouldn't dramatically slash the national budget deficit in one fell swoop, as the ORLY coalition is doing now, and thus would attempt to avoid wide-scale economic upheaval. Clearly Ed is a commie, and should be vilified by the Daily Mail immediately. Oh, wait.
- Yesterday in Washington, a rally endorsed by over 400 organizations called for more jobs, real justice, and genuine improvements in education. Your humble blogger was in the midst of the fray, and can confirm that no marginalized groups were demonized even once during the festivities. Obscenely wealthy corporate overlords didn't fair so well though. Clearly these people are commies, and should be vilified by Glenn Beck immediately. Oh, wait.
- Also here in Washington, our recent primary election has led to the likely downfall of our very own Tyrant Education Queen, Michelle Rhee. This reality has made affluent, largely white, "concerned citizens" who in many cases don't actually have kids in DC schools piss their pants with fear. This reality may also diminish the chance that the largely poor parents of children in DC schools will be talked to as though they were the peers of their children. Clearly these parents are commies, and should be vilified by the Washington Post editorial board immediately. Oh, wait.
- This Supreme Court opens its new term this week, and it's full of girls. They'll probably want to rule on things. They may even want their faces in a museum. Clearly these lady justices are commies, and the ever-oppressed man should vilify them immediately. Oh, wait.
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Labels: British Politics, DC Life, Election 2010, Federal Government, Isms, It's the ... Stupid, Sunday News
14 September 2010
Decision time for the DC primary: my picks and armchair analysis
There have been times when I've truly enjoyed this campaign season. There were some real high points, good quotes, and fine attempts at outreach. The conversation has, of course, been dominated by the mayoral campaign, which certainly isn't lacking in heat or energy. However, it's also been trying. After awhile it's just the same old crap recycled over and over and over and over and over and over again. I'd really rather hear genuine debates between adults than the persistent "neener, neener, neener" we've been getting since August sometime.
But let's get to why you're really here: the choices! (As though anyone in the universe gives a live-long day about my political opinions!) And if, at any point you get bored in reading this, just get up and go vote already.
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Labels: DC Life, Election 2010, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
24 August 2010
Diving into deep waters in re: millenials and IR
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Labels: Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, It's the ... Stupid, Rants, Rights - Human and otherwise
22 August 2010
Sunday news: let's embrace our trashy side edition
- Six reasons to have casual sex. No additional comment is really necessary.
- U.S. to WikiLeaks dude: We gon' find you. Even if we have to make stuff up.
- It's a well known fact that visitors to U.S. National Parks have an average IQ of -12. With a cell phone, this goes down to -57.
- More in the e-readers are cooler than books saga.
- Tired of motorcades? Blame Theodore Roosevelt.
- So Obama is the next Reagan? Yee haw. Let me just start packing my bags now.
- Coverage of Australia's PM has a sexist bent. Are we supposed to be surprised?
- Speaking of Australia and it's super weird electoral system, they're in electoral limbo for an indefinite period.
- Continuing on the sexist line, were you aware that women are fully capable of managing tough things like nuclear weapons policy? O. M. G.
- DC Mayor Adrian Fenty has determined that being a dick to the entire human race may not be the best strategy, so he's gonna do better next time 'round. I don't buy it.
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Labels: Australia, DC Life, Election 2010, Federal Government, Isms, Security Policy, Serious Diplomacy, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
19 August 2010
My question for the final DC mayoral debate
Mayor Fenty: In 2008, your administration tried to exempt District custodial agencies from complying with the gender identity and expression provisions of the Human Rights Act. Your administration failed to report hate crimes against transgender people and failed to include the same population in your recent LGBT health report. Your Office of Human Rights persistently refuses to enforce laws allowing transgender people to safely access public accommodations. Overly aggressive enforcement of prostitution free zones has led to rampant and blatant profiling of transgender people as sex workers. And in 2009, a year in which a transgender woman was brutally murdered in broad daylight, your LGBT affairs director refused to attend the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance because he had hockey tickets. Is there a particular reason your administration is targeting an already extremely disenfranchised part of the population for additional abuse? For both Mayor Fenty and Chairman Gray, how do you intend to rectify these problems, including addressing persistent unemployment in the transgender community and the growth of hate violence against transgender people of color?
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Labels: Activism, DC Life, Election 2010, Isms, It's the ... Stupid, LGBTQ Stuff, Rights - Human and otherwise, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
17 August 2010
Perish this particular thought
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Labels: Books Read or Wanted, Nerdiness, Ramblings
16 August 2010
Happy Monday, office drones!
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Labels: Entertainment, Ramblings
14 August 2010
Your guide to registering to vote in DC. Deadline is Monday!
September 14 is primary election day in DC. If you're not yet familiar with District politics, you should know that many races, including the mayor's race, are usually decided in the primary (especially the Democratic primary). Yet, to vote in that primary, you need to register!
The deadline for pre-registration for the primary election is Monday, August 16. You can still register after that date, including on-site on election day, but will only be allowed to vote on a provisional ballot that may or may not be actually counted. Thus it's still important to register to vote by Monday. You should also note that Monday is the last day to change your party affiliation (the options are Democratic, Republican, Statehood Green, or independent).
Who should register (or change their registration)? Anyone who is a new resident of DC or anyone who has moved within DC since the last election.
How do you register? Visit www.dcboee.org and click Register to Vote in DC or Update your Registration Info in the Voter box. You'll be walked through some question and at the end will be presented with a nicely filled out form for you to print and mail (postmarked by Monday) or deliver in person to the DC BOEE, 441 4th St NW, WDC 20001. You'll need to include proof of residency at the address you put down on the registration form. This can be a pay stub, government check stub, utility bill, lease or copy of a DC driver's license/ID card.
What if I don't know if I'm registered? That's easy! At the DC BOEE website, click Check Your Registration Status in the Voter box. Just enter your name, address, and date of birth and you can find out.
Thanks for your attention to this really important stuff. Happy voting!
ETA: I've received a few questions from folks asking for additional clarifying details. Here you go:
I checked my registration status, and it says INACTIVE. What do I do? Your name was removed from the voter roll for one reason or another. You need to register again.
I'm registered as a member of the Statehood Green Party. Can I vote in the Democratic primary? No, you can only vote in the primary for the party of which you are a registered member. If you're not registered for the party for which you would like to cast a primary ballot, you MUST change your party affiliation by August 16 to vote in your preferred primary. You CANNOT change party affiliation after that date.
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Labels: DC Life, Election 2010, Interwebs comma Uses of, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
11 August 2010
A particularly peaceful podcast
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Labels: Peace and Conflict Studies, Peacebuilding, Peacemaking
10 August 2010
Boldly going back to my life
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Labels: Interwebs comma Uses of, Nerdiness
09 August 2010
The battle for conflict resolution: graduate training vs. the real world
Graduate-level academic institutions are not adequately preparing students for careers in international peace and conflict management. Curricula need to incorporate more applied skills, cross-sectoral coursework, and field-experience opportunities.
Students face a perpetual Catch-22. Employers want applicants with field experience, but if all employers want this, how are students to get their first experience? Although all programs provide some opportunities for field experience, in general, opportunities are few and far between for people to gain experience abroad, especially hands-on work in conflict areas, whether focused on development practice or directly on conflict resolution practice, and also whether through their academic program, other institutions, or on their own. A significant related obstacle for most students is the lack of funding to enable their travel abroad, especially for unpaid work.
ETA: Inside Higher Ed has coverage of the report, and additional perspectives, here.
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30 July 2010
Your undecided voter's report on last night's Ward 1 candidates forum
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Labels: DC Life, Election 2010, Nerdiness
18 July 2010
Sunday news: here's your sign edition
- Health insurance companies: the root of all that is evil. And I should know, my mother works for one.
- Oil companies: the back-up plan for the root of all that is evil. Are we noticing the #capitalismfail yet?
- The U.S. Senate: where evil goes to lay its eggs. And, ya know, starve people in the name of grandstanding.
- The United States continues to pretend that the government of Somalia exists in some meaningful way, and that poorly trained and equipped peacekeepers can help this imaginary government. Meanwhile, people suffer. Perhaps it's time to end the ruse, no?
- DC was struck by a minor earthquake on Friday, and will continue to write news articles about it for at least two weeks. Panic? What panic?
- And, finally, Hillary Clinton: "the godmother of 21st-century statecraft." Orly?
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Labels: Africa News, DC Life, Domestic Policy, Election 2010, Interwebs comma Uses of, Sunday News, War and its Discontents
11 July 2010
Sunday news: out of character edition
- I rarely find myself in agreement with Our Lord and Savior the Kristof, but in this case, I agree that you must go see the film Budrus, about the nonviolent struggle against the boundary fence in a small Palestinian village. I have faith that a nationwide nonviolent movement is possible in Palestine (and don't necessarily think it means lining up all the women). And, I had the pleasure of seeing this film at the Capitol a few weeks ago, followed by a panel featuring Ayad Morrar and Reps. Keith Ellison and Brian Baird. See the film when it's in your town. You will be moved.
- A Kansas City barber (nice town, btw) sums up Obama's image: "That man has a hell of a workload, and Bush left a hell of a mess. I like what he's doing. But I can't feel it."
- Maybe it's summer fluff, but I still suspect that Sonia Sotomayor will be my favorite justice.
- In spite of all the myriad issues that people have on their minds, I'm increasingly convinced the DC mayor's race is going to come down to education. Here's the WaPo's take on Gray's plan. I generally support the age 4-24 approach to education that Gray backs, but share concerns over how to pay for it.
- And while we're at it, what's the role of literature in the fight for justice? One opinion on To Kill a Mockingbird.
- Monday, 4pm, room 500: Committee on Public Safety and the Judiciary hearing on ICE's Secure Communities Program. The Council has already unanimously blocked MPD's planned participation through emergency legislation. Come here advocates speak about why that rejection should become permanent. DC would be the first jurisdiction to reject participating in the program, which requires mandatory immigration checks. More details are here.
- Wednesday, 2pm, room 123: Committee on Aging and Community Affairs roundtable on DC's recent LGBT health report, which notably failed to include information on transgender folks in the District. My fellow members of the DC Trans Coalition raised a stink over this last week, and a hearing was scheduled 48 hours later. How's that's for effective advocacy? Details are here.
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Labels: Activism, DC Life, Domestic Policy, Election 2010, Immigration Follies, LGBTQ Stuff, Non-violence, Rights - Human and otherwise, Sunday News
08 June 2010
Money can't buy you class
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Labels: Ramblings, The More You Know
26 May 2010
Government for the racists, by the racists... wait...
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23 May 2010
Sunday news: there's a tear in my beer edition
- Dear Europe: This is the point where you develop an affinity for sad country songs. Save the last dance for me.
- I'm reconsidering the issue of spawn. Here's your one chance Fancy, don't let me down.
- Perhaps if I weren't so cynical, I'd believe all these lines about Obama/Bush differences. Waitin' for the love of a travelin' soldier.
- Dear Graduates: "entry-level" is now defined as somebody who's 35 and has an MBA. One of these days.
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Labels: It's the ... Stupid, Security Policy, Sunday News
18 May 2010
In the big rock candy mountain
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17 May 2010
Filed under: things I don't understand
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Labels: LGBTQ Stuff, Ramblings, Rights - Human and otherwise
16 May 2010
Sunday news: competence gap edition
- How many overpaid idiots does it take to to stop a volley of crude oil shooting into the ocean? Zero. They're all too damn stupid to do it right, and they probably won't pay to clean up their mess.
- Why is it that Democrats seem both spineless in governing and spineless in campaigning? “I just think I bought the sizzle, not the steak.” [ed. note: I'm about as wackadoo a liberal as they come... oh, for a decent left-wing party in these United States...]
- Do you wear lots of dress shirts and think it would be wicked kewl to design your own? Well now you can! (Though you may want to visit the site in question when 40 million other people who just read the same article aren't there.)
- Did you know that the WaPo is sort of stupid about the DC budget? How about we stop shoveling money into gentrification projects (like the 5-year long "streetscape enhancement" around Columbia Heights metro and that damned stadium and the damned bougie street cars) and stop doing generally stupid things (like tearing down a school, sending the kids to a rat infested temporary school that's a hundred years old, and then spending money on "intermediate use" of the bulldozed school site because nobody ever bothered to issue an RFP for a new building or properly renovate the temporary building, like what happened to Bruce-Monroe). Oh, and DC has the same tax rate for everyone making over $40,000/year. How's that for progressive?
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Labels: DC Life, Mindless Incompetence, Rants, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
09 May 2010
Sunday news: motherly love edition
- Greece: we created western civilization, and maybe we'll destroy it.
- Britain (Britain, Britain): here lies the last vestiges of actually being able to govern one's nation.
- Would you believe that people are constantly trying to manage their public persona, even the one they put on teh internets?
- "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military bureaucratic complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
- Do you ever get the impression that DC schools chancellor Michelle Rhee doesn't understand money? And wasn't she supposed to cut bureaucracy?
- This happens every day.
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1 bad reactions
Labels: British Politics, DC Life, Security Policy, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
02 May 2010
Sunday news: pesky kids edition
- Texas politics: still weirdly entertaining.
- Burma: We're not tyrants anymore cuz we totally changed our clothes!
- Annoying little twits who make less money than me party at bougie places I can't afford. Oh, and they work at the White House, so they'll be powerful annoying little twits their whole lives (and they probably went to fancy schools and are bankrolled by their daddies). Oh, and they wear pleated pants.
- A friend tells me there's lots of space for a wind farm in central Illinois, and the white noise might help him sleep better. But why do that when overconsuming fossil fuels is so much more fun?
- Somebody please glue me to the BBC on Thursday.
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Labels: British Politics, Domestic Policy, Election 2010, Rights - Human and otherwise, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
21 April 2010
Check out that basket! A hung parliament?
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Labels: British Politics, Nerdiness
06 April 2010
Why the ultra-conservatives will lose the culture war, if I have to single-handedly defeat each of them myself
Blessed are you when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.The Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 11-12
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Labels: Activism, LGBTQ Stuff, Rants, Religious Tidbits
30 March 2010
Problem solved?
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Labels: Peace and Conflict Studies, Peacemaking, Self Promotion
26 March 2010
Read me elsewhere and read me now!
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Labels: Peacebuilding, Self Promotion
25 March 2010
I almost maybe sort of agree with Dan Choi
- What's the grand strategy for equality here? What battles do Choi and his new organization hope to fight, and when, and in what order? Nonviolent resistance is a powerful tool, but it's not especially effective if not driven by a coherent strategy with articulated goals. Yes, having Kathy Griffin headline a rally is a pretty stupid thing. But so is going to get arrested as a one-off event. The goal of both events seems more like grabbing media spotlights and donations more than changing anything.
- Using nonviolence/civil disobedience to advocate for the right to serve in an organization that is inherently violent seems to require some mental and moral leaps that I don't know that I can make, as evidenced above. I believe that as activists, we must walk firmly on the side of justice. Yet the military (whether it does so willingly or not) actively perpetuates injustice both at home and abroad. At home, it recruits from poor and downtrodden communities and runs these recruits through a few wars before letting them out with the scholarship money they joined to get (yes, that's a huge generalization). In the field, situations like Abu Ghraib aside, we have to remember that modern warfare results in civilians making up roughly 90% of total casualties. Prior to the 20th century, that proportion was reversed. Using civil disobedience to prop up that kind of injustice seems to belittle the sanctity of nonviolent resistance.
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Labels: Activism, LGBTQ Stuff, Non-violence, Social Justice
24 March 2010
Let's make David Miliband feel better
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Labels: British Politics, Middle East, Serious Diplomacy
23 March 2010
Quick take: social conservatism in South Africa
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Labels: Africa News, Rights - Human and otherwise, South Africa
22 March 2010
A little housekeeping
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Labels: Blogging
07 March 2010
Sunday news: useless NYT edition
- In said magazine piece, a discussion on the importance of teachers in educating students, and how to make those teachers teach better, as apparently it's teaching is the most essential ingredient in education, and not necessarily funding or testing. Who'da thunk?
- DC mayor Adrian Fenty is a corrupt little whiny-pants who funnels huge sums of government money to his friends. At least Marion Barry was corrupt but personable. This is why you should vote for Buster, who is currently preparing his mayoral campaign.
- It amuses me to no end that an article on political buffoonery features a photo of Michael Steele.
- A piece on how Toyotas aren't inherently death traps, which is why I still hope to buy another one in the next year or so, if I can raise ye olde cash.
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Labels: Corruption, Domestic Policy, Perpetual Campaigning, Sunday News, The More You Know
04 March 2010
A positive direction for foreign policy?
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Labels: Africa News, Foreign Policy, LGBTQ Stuff, Rights - Human and otherwise
03 March 2010
Meanwhile, the rest of the world wants assimilationist gay figure skaters
Again with that whole systemic discrimination thingy.
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Labels: Isms, LGBTQ Stuff
02 March 2010
February's ridiculous search term!
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Labels: Ridiculous Search Terms
28 February 2010
Sunday news: not a lot happened edition
- Absolute tenure corrupts absolutely, but maybe it makes for decent art? (Seriously, how is that article so long?)
- There's trouble on Mt. Olympus, as the gods may well be idiots.
- Nurses: Is your home entirely surrounded by two feet of snow and you can't for the life of you figure out how to get to work? Well, fine, be inconsiderate like that, and WHC (across the street from your humble blogger) will fire your ass.
- I still contend that belated justice is better than none at all.
- A curious (to put it mildly) development in historic preservation.
- Time to make another trip to the National Gallery.
- The U.S. Senate is still dysfunctional.
- Race is still a major factor in southern politics. Really?
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Labels: DC Life, Domestic Policy, Historical Tangents, Reconciliation, Sunday News
26 February 2010
Sold exclusively to Tennesseans
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Labels: Mrs. Kravitz Tendencies, Tennessee, Terrrr comma War On
25 February 2010
How did I miss this?
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Labels: Domestic Policy, Mindless Incompetence, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
23 February 2010
The NYT loves assimilationist gay theater
Or, one of the stupidest reviews I've ever read.
What an effing moron.
First, contrary to what one may believe, gay politics consist of much more than marriage, adoption, and being legally allowed to serve as cannon fodder in imperialist wars. It's called systemic discrimination you idiot, and just because a particular playwright didn't beat you over the head with it, it's still there.
Secondly (et quelle surprise), not all gay people have AIDS. Really! I know lots of them! Also, we are perfectly capable of having conflict in our romantic relationships that doesn't center around one of us dying some unspeakable, dreary, slow, agonizing death, like an opera on steroids.
Apparently, these plays are to be applauded for showing gay couples as "just like everybody else." And, in a sense (though not totally -- myriad issues arise that are a product of said systemic discrimination), gay couples are just that. But don't laud the success of stupid political efforts and ridiculously bigoted assumptions about our health by going out and throwing a big party because somebody wrote a play that didn't involve those things.
I'm not a writer or an artist of any kind, but maybe evaluate these gay-themed plays on their artistic merits, rather than their depictions of "normalcy."
Oh, wait, systemic discrimination...
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Labels: Entertainment, Isms, LGBTQ Stuff, Mindless Incompetence
22 February 2010
Just an asteroid miner's daughter
On the other hand, the glut of materials on earth's raw materials market would basically shutter the economies of entire nations, including some pretty big ones. Is warp speed worth mass starvation? Depends on the particular brand of nasty capitalist you speak to.
Still, mining in space... pretty cool. And the legal discussion around it will also give IR people a nice distraction for the next 150 odd years.
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Labels: Development, Nerdiness, Political Economy, Serious Diplomacy
21 February 2010
Sunday news: we're all gonna die edition
Here's a recap:
- The economy = teh suckage.
- Texas will probably continue to be run by a crackpot, who was just endorsed by Sarah Palin. If my left arm was endorsed by Sarah Palin, I'd cut it off.
- The U.S. Senate is a shit show, but maybe Evan Bayh will run for president and save us all.
- If you're in DC and get on the Metro, it could kill you, and won't have any money to send your mother a decent house plant.
- People are stealing from non-profit bookstores that ostensibly raise money to promote literacy programs for poor urban youth.
- The U.S. Senate is still a shit show, but Rahm Emmanuel is keeping Barry O from becoming the next Jimmy Carter, so it's all good.
- The president orders up his robust policy offerings at some bland hoity toity DC restaurant, which explains a lot.
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Labels: Congress, Corruption, Domestic Policy, Federal Government, The More You Know, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
20 February 2010
Nerd worlds colliding
Hat tip: Armchair Generalist.
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Labels: Nerdiness
11 February 2010
Y'all be careful saving Darfur and what not
Back when I was a starving grad student, I once turned down an internship offer from one of these Darfur "saving" organizations, on the grounds that the organization was led by someone a year younger than me (this is important for someone who is the baby of their grad class). I later kicked myself for that for a bit, as the internship I did take ended up being less than fruitful. However, having since come to realize the deeper implications of what the wonderful ladies at Wronging Rights refer to as "raising awareness" without doing much else, I'm now rather glad to not have been associated with the whole thing.
Hat tip: Texas in Africa.
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Labels: Books Read or Wanted, Sudan, War and its Discontents
10 February 2010
Julia Child created life on earth
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Labels: Funny Quotes, The More You Know
09 February 2010
Hilarity alert: The Real World -- African Autocrats
A curious script for a reality TV show if I've ever seen one.
Hat tip: Scarlett Lion.
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Labels: Africa News, Funny Quotes, United Nations, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
Are you French enough for the French?
Way to be oppressive, racist bastards, French government. I assure you that no amount of headscarves will ever threaten your national security or your precious and clearly fragile identity. Besides, isn't religious freedom somewhere in all those French law codes? I'm personally no fan of religious or cultural subjugation myself, but it seems that it'd be more logical and better for all concerns to have a robust legal structure that protects a person's right to wear or not wear religious/cultural clothing. Demanding conformity seems destined to backfire, particularly when it affects populations that are already disgruntled at the severe levels of discrimination they face.
Besides, making school kids sing the national anthem every morning just makes them hate singing it for the rest of their lives. Just ask the Canadians.
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Labels: France, Immigration Follies, Mindless Incompetence, Rights - Human and otherwise
08 February 2010
News of the sleaze: televangelists and ethnicity-based elections
In other news, the NYT has a decent run-down of the complexities of holding an election in Cote d'Ivoire, wherein one must be a bona fide Ivorian to vote. Of course, determining who is what is clearly a tumultuous and easily corrupted process, quite possible leading to a powder keg.
Hat tip to Chris Blattman for the first piece.
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Labels: Corruption, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Mindless Incompetence, Religious Tidbits, Weapons of Electoral Destruction