26 May 2010
23 May 2010
Sunday news: there's a tear in my beer edition
- Dear Europe: This is the point where you develop an affinity for sad country songs. Save the last dance for me.
- I'm reconsidering the issue of spawn. Here's your one chance Fancy, don't let me down.
- Perhaps if I weren't so cynical, I'd believe all these lines about Obama/Bush differences. Waitin' for the love of a travelin' soldier.
- Dear Graduates: "entry-level" is now defined as somebody who's 35 and has an MBA. One of these days.
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Labels: It's the ... Stupid, Security Policy, Sunday News
18 May 2010
In the big rock candy mountain
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17 May 2010
Filed under: things I don't understand
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Labels: LGBTQ Stuff, Ramblings, Rights - Human and otherwise
16 May 2010
Sunday news: competence gap edition
- How many overpaid idiots does it take to to stop a volley of crude oil shooting into the ocean? Zero. They're all too damn stupid to do it right, and they probably won't pay to clean up their mess.
- Why is it that Democrats seem both spineless in governing and spineless in campaigning? “I just think I bought the sizzle, not the steak.” [ed. note: I'm about as wackadoo a liberal as they come... oh, for a decent left-wing party in these United States...]
- Do you wear lots of dress shirts and think it would be wicked kewl to design your own? Well now you can! (Though you may want to visit the site in question when 40 million other people who just read the same article aren't there.)
- Did you know that the WaPo is sort of stupid about the DC budget? How about we stop shoveling money into gentrification projects (like the 5-year long "streetscape enhancement" around Columbia Heights metro and that damned stadium and the damned bougie street cars) and stop doing generally stupid things (like tearing down a school, sending the kids to a rat infested temporary school that's a hundred years old, and then spending money on "intermediate use" of the bulldozed school site because nobody ever bothered to issue an RFP for a new building or properly renovate the temporary building, like what happened to Bruce-Monroe). Oh, and DC has the same tax rate for everyone making over $40,000/year. How's that for progressive?
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Labels: DC Life, Mindless Incompetence, Rants, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
09 May 2010
Sunday news: motherly love edition
- Greece: we created western civilization, and maybe we'll destroy it.
- Britain (Britain, Britain): here lies the last vestiges of actually being able to govern one's nation.
- Would you believe that people are constantly trying to manage their public persona, even the one they put on teh internets?
- "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military bureaucratic complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
- Do you ever get the impression that DC schools chancellor Michelle Rhee doesn't understand money? And wasn't she supposed to cut bureaucracy?
- This happens every day.
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Labels: British Politics, DC Life, Security Policy, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction
02 May 2010
Sunday news: pesky kids edition
- Texas politics: still weirdly entertaining.
- Burma: We're not tyrants anymore cuz we totally changed our clothes!
- Annoying little twits who make less money than me party at bougie places I can't afford. Oh, and they work at the White House, so they'll be powerful annoying little twits their whole lives (and they probably went to fancy schools and are bankrolled by their daddies). Oh, and they wear pleated pants.
- A friend tells me there's lots of space for a wind farm in central Illinois, and the white noise might help him sleep better. But why do that when overconsuming fossil fuels is so much more fun?
- Somebody please glue me to the BBC on Thursday.
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Labels: British Politics, Domestic Policy, Election 2010, Rights - Human and otherwise, Sunday News, Weapons of Electoral Destruction